Chiropractors offer numerous health benefits to persons with persistent back pain. If you have done your research, you may already understand the long list of conditions chiropractors are able to treat. They range from migraine headaches and tension headaches to low back pain and knee pain. However, before you start searching for the best chiropractor in Ajax or Pickering, it is important that you understand how much you will end up paying for the treatment.
Regular Treatments
The price of chiropractic treatment varies depending on the clinic you visit, the reputation of the chiropractor, and a range of other things. The initial fee for an assessment purpose, for example, ranges from $88 to $150. This is required by law. As a matter of fact, any time you switch to a new chiropractor, the Chiropractors of Ontario (the main regulatory body for registered chiropractors in the province) requires that a fresh assessment takes place.
The initial assessment includes comprehensive reports of the existing musculoskeletal structure and first treatment. The cost of follow-up visits ranges from $50 to $150 per session. The price varies depending on the duration of a treatment session and whether you have purchased a package.
To see the recommended fee schedule, you can check with the Ontario Chiropractic Association. They have an outline of reasonable billing for various chiropractic services. As you may have guessed, every kind of chiropractic treatment attracts a different fee. For example, while preliminary consultation may be offered by some chiropractors free of charge, therapy sessions attract a fee. Greater or intensive care attracts a higher price. How frequently you get the treatment will also affect the cost.
With Insurance
There is nothing more appealing than the knowledge that part of the expenses for a much-needed treatment will be paid by your insurance cover. If you have insurance, your out-of-pocket expenses will be a lot lower. However, for you to benefit from this, you need to do two important things.
The first thing you must do is to check if the chiropractor’s treatment center takes your insurance. The last thing you want is to assume that you will automatically be covered simply because you are getting treatment from a well-known or large hospital. Most insurance companies don’t cover chiropractic treatment so you need to ask before you start getting treatment.
Second, you need to bring your insurance card on your first appointment. This will help the chiropractor file with your insurance provider. If your insurance is accepted, you can ask the chiropractor what your company will pay before you start receiving treatment. Doing so will help a lot with budgeting.
When it comes to chiropractic care, you will need more than one appointment in order to start enjoying the benefits. This means you will need chiropractic treatments on a regular basis for a period of time. If you choose to pursue chiropractic treatment, your chiropractor will provide you with additional information on the predicted cost on the first appointment.
Are you in need of chiropractic care and in Ajax or Pickering area? Give us a call today ? (905) 239-5001 to book an appointment.